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8 Things I Do In The Morning For A More Productive Day
You have read many books and blogs about successful people and their morning routine.
How many times have you tried to imitate their routines and failed? Same thing happened with me. I was so lazy and always try to sleep more and more.
But now here I am, talking about my healthy daily habits. That changed my life. Yes, so now finally I am converted into a morning person.
Most important thing is there was no trick to become a morning person, after all. It all started with my worries that kept me up. Thinking about my career, about my relationship, ways to making money, and get out of my debts are the main reason that I want to make my every second count.
I was dying to make my every second worth or Or maybe because I was so desperate to fulfill my dreams!
So every new thing is start with a new day and if your morning is worthy enough you don’t need to worry much. So, here is the things I do in the morning that will also help you to kick-start your day as they help me every morning.
Get up early & don’t hit snooze button:
The first thing you need to consider to have an amazing productive day is to get up early! They say that the early bird gets the worm which is so true.
Just look into this if you get up 2 hours earlier each day for a whole entire year, you would get a whole whopping 730 extra hours a year to get stuff done!
Amazing na!!
It’s crazy to see just how many extra hours you will get and how much you can accomplish and achieve instead of sleeping in. Use this extra time to work on yourself, write in your journal, have quiet time to reflect, exercise more, work on a side hustles (freelancing, food preparation, money making work), get some chores done around the house, and so much more! The possibilities are endless.
But if you want to wake up early you need to sleep early at the night. Always try to go to bed early and cut all the screens half an hour before the bed for a better sleep.
Because early to bad and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. So don’t be a night owl be an early bird.
Make your Bed:
I read somewhere “if you wanna change the world, start off by making your bed.”, the same principle applies even to the smallest things we want to do to bring positive change in our everyday life.
When I wake up, I start my day by making my bed. I give my full attention as if it’s the most important thing to do. It will give you peace and mindfulness. If first thing of your day is productive your whole day is gonna be a blast. So don’t neglect.
Drink Warm Water:
Most of the people in all around the world start there mornings with a fresh, hot cup of coffee or tea to warm our bodies after getting out of bed. We think that drinking water is cold for our body at the morning, but according to Ayurvedic medicine, we have it all wrong. Regularly drinking very warm water, especially in the morning, can heal our bodies, providing our digestive system power and reducing metabolic waste that could have built up in our immune system.
While drinking warm water is not worthy for our taste buds, but it may be beneficial to put the caffeine and tea aside for your health’s sake.
Drinking a full glass of warm water in the morning can heal our body by aiding digestion and preventing premature aging. So start this habit today!
A very amazing and easy way to achieve success, peace and be as productive as possible is having the right mindset. It’s the very important thing I do for a great day. A great way to encourage a positive mind early and kick start you mindfulness in the morning is to Meditate. Meditating is a great way to refocus, distress, clear your mind of negative thoughts, and improve your overall well-being.
After this start the day by adding a little bit of mindfulness and yoga into the mix and you’ll feel more recharged and ready to take on the rest of the day!
I write down all my thoughts, feeling, emotions. I also write down motivational quotes I heard. It really helps me to get all those thoughts out so they don’t crawl into my head all day along.
Write My to Do List & Make a List of Ideas:
As an blogger and digital marketer I have lot of things that I need to do in my whole day. I usually make my to-do list for the day and make daily 5 tasks on that list a priority. After those five get done, anything else I get done in urgent. If something on my list doesn’t get done on that day, I simply move it to the next day but on priority.
Eat A Nutritious Breakfast:
After getting ready for my office, breakfast is the first thing I do. Because breakfast is the most prioritized thing for whole day. It help us to get prepare for the all day work. Give us energy. With the right fuel, we perform far better: our focus gets better on work and productivity increases. Give the fuel our body needs so that it can serve our mind to its maximum capacity for our work.
Connect With The World & Read The News:
It’s so important to constantly be learning about what is happening to the world so that we are both informed and able to keep up or start daily conversations with other people around you.
Take some quiet time in the mornings when you wake up to focus on reading the news and get up to speed with what is happening around the world. Whether that’s through social media or actually reading news articles online or in the newspapers, read it and then stop checking for new news during the whole day.
I am a news junky. So I get my fix and it really helps me.
It’s so important to have a great morning routine to kick start your day and be in the right positive mindset to get all the stuff done and be as productive as possible.
I’m not perfect. There are some days when I also hit snooze button, than I get out of bed after one hour. There are some mornings where I get up but do nothing. But yes, I suffer when I do this.
My morning routine centers me. It gives me breathing room. It gives me momentum. I get that all important ME time in every single morning. And I get my things done.
I hope you enjoyed my 8 tips on what you need to do in the morning each day to be more productive so you can achieve your goals and dreams.
Such a Nice informational post. it,s really helpful for me